Astral Journey






I. Overview


A "Trip" to the Ceiling



A Journey to the Past



To Open the Gate of Distance


II. A Look at the Evidence


I Know I Am Out of My Body



The 2nd Body Is Clairvoyant



Astral Mind-over-Matter



What Does the Double Look Like?


III. As Solid as Thou and I


Doubles that Perform Miracles



Doubles that Walk, Talk, and Breathe



A Review & a Praeview


IV. "Why" of Astral Projection


Astral Reunion of Families



Romance in a 2nd Body



Doubles That Help & Heal


V. When Body & Mind Are Ready


Escape from Fear & from Pain



Doctors & Their Patients



Astral Projection at the Hospital



"I Am in Two Worlds"



Offbeat Astral Happenings


VI. Projectors Tell Their Stories


Celebrities & Their Doubles



OOBEs in Childhood & Adolescence



A College-Teacher Seeth a Ghost



Astral Flights of Young Women



Dramatic Projections



Conversations : a Dead Philosopher



The Time-Traveler from Maine



A Classic Trio of Projectors


VII. Scientific Approach


Scholars of Astral Travel



"Trapping the Soul" : Laboratory



Laboratory Experiments in 1970s



Psychiatrists, Professors, Perception


VIII. Ultimate Quaestion


Rehearsal for Dying



Future of Astral Projection


Book’s Dedication : "To the Double, which is indestructible".

I. "Overview".


1. (pp. 11-20) "A "Trip" to the Ceiling".

pp. 10-1 the author (H.B.G.)’s OOBE (out-of-body experience)

p. 10

"I woke with a strange sensation – I was rocking gently back and forth. I felt myself lifted and ... then lowered to the floor. I started to rise to the ceiling. ... My physical body lay inert on the bed below, while "I" hovered near the ceiling."

p. 11

"I was pleased at finally having what I knew was an OOBE – an out-of-body experience. ... I have had other extrasensory {more accurately, extramaterial – the non-material body is still operating sensorially} experiences – seeing objects and hearing voices beyond the range of my {material} eyes and {material} ears, sometimes catching the unspoken thought in someone else’s mind. I have seen ... ghosts. I have had visions of the future."

p. 11 the author (H.B.G.)’s split-person partial-body sleep-paralysis : a praecursor to OOBEs

"Once I woke up in the middle of the night and felt that I was split into two persons. The lower part of my body was rigid, paralytic, a condition that often accompanies OOBEs. But there were two upper halves ..., leaning in opposite directions."

p. 12 historic European OOBEs

"Saints such as Anthony of Padua and Alphonsus Liguori were seen elsewhere while their physical bodies remained in church or monastery. ... The scientist-mystic Emanuel Swedenborg visited many dimensions and wrote detailed accounts of what he saw. Thomas De Quincy left his body while smoking opium."

p. 13 benign spirit-possession

"This kind of "possession" was benign ..., arranged by mutual consent, in contrast to the devil-possession recorded in the annals of the Church".

{Spirit-possession is always benign : the Church’s "annals" all consist of malign slanders.}

p. 14 "projection" to Iceland

"Eileen Garrett ... sat in an apartment in New York City and willed herself to ... Reykjavik, Iceland ... to look at the objects on a table. At the same times she described the objects as she sat in a chair in New York."

p. 15 sites of laboratories for the investigation of OOBEs

"Today, in a California university, a parapsychologist attached electrodes to the head of a woman who ... can go out of her body when she wills it".

"In New York City ... parapsychologists ... from the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR) ... have designed on OOB experiment in which psychics project their "I" from different parts of the country to a room in the Society’s building. Later they describe by mail or phone what they saw in the room during their visits.

In Durham, North Carolina, the Psychical Research Foundation (PRF) conducts tests in which a psychic projects to a room occupied by human beings and animals who may sense his presence, and by machines that can record any change in the physical environment of the room.

Two physicists at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, are doing an experiment in which a subject lying in an electrically shielded room describes a location unknown to him where members of the staff have gone by car."

pp. 17-8 oneself’s 2nd body

p. 17

"what ... goes out ... [and] can live apart from its own physical body ... is ... seen by both the projector and witnesses, ... is called "the second body," or "double," as distinct from the physical body. It is also known as the "duplicate body" because is frequently appears as an exact replica of the physical body".

p. 18

"The second body may also rotate out of the physical body in a spiral motion and return the same way. The second body generally feels ... weightless, and sometimes gives off a glow that may illuminate a dark room."


2. (pp. 20-6) "A Journey to the Past".

pp. 22-3 antient Hellenic projection of the subtle body

p. 22

"The sixth-century B.C. philosopher Hermotimus of Clazomenae ... often fell into a trance and wandered away from his body, which became cataleptic ... . On one such occasion his wife ... quickly had him declared dead and cremated. According to Ce’sar de Vesme in A History of Experimental Spiritualism, mediums later reported that Hermotimus ... when he came back ... found that his physical body had disappeared."


"In his On the Delay of Divine Justice, Plutarch tells of one Aridaeus of Asia Minor, who in A.D. 79 was ... taken out of his body. With his perceptions ... sharpened, as in many modern OOBEs, he could see on all sides at once. Aridaeus met and spoke with the dead, one of them ... assured to astral traveler that he ...

p. 23

was not dead because the rest of his soul was firmly anchored to his body. "The rest of the soul," explained the dead ..., was a cord connecting the two bodies. So long as the cord still attached to his physical body, Aridaeus would remain alive. Aridaeus could also see the difference between his double and the doubles of the dead. His own second body had "a faint and shadowy outline" while "the dead shone all around and were transparent." ... he was suddenly "sucked through a tube ..." and awoke again in his physical body. The "tube" is similar to the "tunnel" that many astral projectors experience on leaving and returning to their physical bodies."


"The story of Curma ... was first reported in the fifth century A.D. by Augustine ... of Hippo, in Numidia ... . Curma, a senator, was seriously ill and in a coma for several days. As he left his body, he heard his name called from somewhere ... . But, as in the case of Aridaeus, the dead he met assured him that he was still alive. ... Curma the senator noticed that the spirit world contained not only the dead but those like himself who were alive and merely on out-of-body excursions."

pp. 23-4 the double (subtle body) of out-of-body excursions, as known to various prae-modern traditions

p. 23

"The double had a different name in each of the ancient countries. ...


The Greeks knew it as the eidolon,


the Romans as the larva, while


in Tibet it is still referred to as the bardo body.


In Germany it was the Ju:del or Doppelga:nger and


in Norway the fylga. ...


In China the thankhi left the body ... and was seen by others. ...

p. 24

The ancient Hindus spoke of the second-body principle as the Pranamayakosha {Pran.a-maya-kos`a].


The Buddhists called the double the rupa [rupa]."

p. 26 the 1st 3 days after death


"on the third day He will raise us up, and we shall live before Him."

Ho^s^e<a 6:2


It taketh 3 days for "the Spirit of a departed person to find its home in Paradise."

M. K. Spencer : The Other World.


"the departed second body wanders about a Hadeslike Bardo region for three days before the separation of physical and astral bodies is complete."

Bardo Thodol [Bar-do bTags-grol]

{"as ... in the belly of the whale, so ... be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." (Euangelion according to Matthaios 12:40)}

p. 26 after-death caerimony, according to M&MT {This is the form of pho-ba when practiced on behalf of another.}

"crying "Hik!" in a shrill voice . ... the lama utters this cry in order to free the spirit of a man as he dies, causing it "to leave the body through a hole that this magic syllable opens in the summit of the skull." After "hik" the word "phat[.]" is shouted and this assures a proper separation of body and spirit."

M&MT = Alexandra David-Neel : Magic and Mystery in Tibet. NY : Claude Kendall, 1932.


3. (pp. 27-34) "To Open the Gate of Distance".

pp. 27-29 Africans’ travel out of the body




[cited from HES] "of the African tribe of Yabikou ... a fetish man ... was preparing now to join the magicians from other tribes in the M’fang country ... . Their meeting place was the plateau of Yemvi ... . ... "Oh, I shall go there but I will also be here at the same time. ..." ... rubbing a reddish


liquid on his body ... . ... see a snake {a supernatural one?} fall from the roof and wrap itself around the [sorcerer]’s rigid body as he slept ... ." While asleep he delivered a message to another man : "... during the night I heard him call from outside my hut. ..."


[another case cited from HES] "a native witch doctor ... promised "to open the gate of distance" and travel through it. The witch doctor asked for the names [of persons hundreds of miles distant], then lit eight fires, one for each [such person], and cast roots into them. He inhaled the fumes of a medicine and went into a trance for ten minutes. When he awoke, he ... described the eight ... . ... The information proved accurate in every case."

HES = Ce’sar de Vesme : A History of Experimental Spiritualism. 2 voll. London : Rider & Co, 1931.

pp. 29-30 Amerindians’ travel out of the body




[18th-century account by Lafiteau] "Several Huron ... did not return on schedule and the sorceress was ask to go out [of her body] and find them. She retired to her hut and went through a complicated ritual that resulted in a state of delirium. When she came out of it, she told exactly what had happened ... – the road they had taken, the villages they had passed through, and where they were at present." Later, they "verified all that the sorceress had said."


[a first-hand account of a personal experience, cited from IS] "he lay down for a nap but woke up and saw two of his tribesmen in the room, dressed in white robes. ... He called out to his wife that he would be gone for awhile, but she paid no attention. This puzzled him and he looked back and saw that his physical body was still asleep on the mat. ... The men in white robes reassured him – they were merely taking him on a journey but would bring him back ... . He and his guides seemed to float away ... above "a great shining river" that reached far into the sky. His guides told him that the river wound through the land ... where ... Indians went when they died. ... many of his old friends, now dead, came out to greet him. But when he reached the biggest wigwam, where a Great Spirit lived, he was told that he must return to his body ... . When [he] came back to his own wigwam, he found his sleeping body ... . He looked with indifference upon is physical body and turned to go back to the land of the dead. But his guides barred the way and told him solemnly that he must re-enter his body. The next moment he lost consciousness, then awoke in his body ... . ... . ... he had been out of his body for "three sleeps.""

IS = Cicero Newell : Indian Stories. Boston, 1912.

pp. 31-2 South American drug for travel out of the body


South American


"Hallucinogens and Shamanism, edited by Michael J. Harner, describes how shamans of South America take a ... drink made from the ayahuasca, or yage`, vine to release the second body. The projectors feel a "spinning in the head, then a sensation of being lifted up into the air" as they begin their journey. ... After imbibing yage`, Jivaro shamans can clairvoyantly see persons far away and describe what they are doing. ... The shamans ... travel astrally not only to familiar places in the tropical forest but sometimes to the unfamiliar cities of white men hundreds of miles away, which they can accurately describe.


Members of a tribe in the Ucayali River region frequently go off on astral trips as a group. Sitting in a circle and drinking yage`, a proposal is made to visit a certain location together. Once someone suggested, "Let’s see cities!" and off the group went to a distant urban center none of them had ever visited


in the flesh. Later they ... were describing automobiles, which they had never seen with their physical eyes."

p. 32 Tahitian visible emergence from the body at death

[quoted from PhAP, from THE METAPHYSICAL MAGAZINE of October 1896] "The Tahitians ... affirm that, shortly after a human body ceases to breathe, a vapour arises from the head, hovering a little way above it, but attached by a vapoury cord. The substance ... gradually increases in bulk and assumes the form of the inert body. When it [the inert body] has become quite cold, the connecting cord disappears and the disentangled soul-form floats away as if borne by invisible carriers."

PhAP = Sylvan Muldroon & Hereward Carrington : The Phenomenon of Astral Projection. London : Rider &Co, 1951.

p. 33 astral cord known to Australian aborigines

""Ronald Rose has devoted a complete chapter in Living Magic to the importance of the cord ... of Australian aborigines. During an initiation [into shamanhood] ceremony a man [the initiator] lies on his back and goes into a trance. His body shivers and his mouth begins to open, a cordlike object writhing out of it like a snake. It stretches to the length of a man’s ear, then leaves and crawls about on the ground. finally withdrawing into the initiate’s body."

p. 34 departure of the soul during sleep

[quoted from PC] "Certain of the Greenlanders ... consider that the soul quits the body in the night and goes out ... visiting. ...

Among the Indians of North America, we hear of the dreamer’s soul leaving the body and wandering in quest of things attractive to it. ...

The New Zealanders considered the dreaming soul to quit the body and return, traveling even to the region of the dead to hold converse with its friends. ...

Onward ..., the ... spirit’s departure in sleep may be traced ... in the Vedanta system, and in the Kabbala {Qabbalah}."

PC = Edward Tylor : Primitive Culture. London : J. Murray, 1871.


Herbert B. Greenhouse : The Astral Journey. New York, N.Y. : Avon Books, 1974. 358 pp. [Add one from the pagination of the original Avon edition (1974) in order to arrive at the pagination in the Doubleday edition (1975).]