Lux in Tenebris, 12-13 


Pars II : "Modernity and Postmodernity".






Victorian H.nowk and Historical Contexts

Gyo:rgy E. Szo:nyl



Symbolique in Rene' Schwaller de Lubicz

Aaron Cheak



Symbology of Hermeticism in in Julius Evola

Hans Thomas Hakl



Dialogues in Ithell Colquhoun's Oeuvre

Victoria Ferentinou



Modern Angels, Avant-Guarde, & Esoteric Archive

Jonathan Schorsch



Postmodernity and Semiotic Self-Apotheosis

Per Faxneld



Esoteric Theories of Color

Joscelyn Godwyn




auctor (-trix)


universitas et al.


Gyo:rgy E. Szo:nyl


Central European

John Dee's Occultism (Albany : S.U.N.Y., 2004)

Aaron Cheak


of Philosophical Research

Alchemical Traditions : from Antiquity to the Avant-Guarde (2013)

Hans Thomas Hakl



Eranos : an Alternative Intellectual History (Sheffield : Equinox, 2013)

Victoria Ferentinou


of Ioannina


Jonathan Schorsch


of Potsdam

2 bks on the early modern Atlantic world

Per Faxneld


of Stockholm

monograph in Swedish (Ouroboros Produktion)

Joscelyn Godwin


Colgate Univ

translated The Chemical Wedding; Splendor Solis; Hypnerotomachia 


Capp. 12-13





Victorian H.nowk and Historical Contexts

Gyo:rgy E. Szo:nyl



p. 270 B-Re>s^iyt 6

"in Genesis 6, ... the Sons of God saw the Daughters of Men, they took them as wives and from their wedlock giants were born ... ."

[fn. 3 "VanderKam's Enoch and the Growth of an Apocalyptic Tradition ... ."]


p. 271 Aithiopian Book of H.nowk

"According to its first 32 chapters, the 'Book of the Watchers', two hundred rebel angels ... descended to earth, fell in love with the Daughters of Men, sired children who became ... giants; in the meantime they also taught all sorts of ... sciences ... ."

[fn. 4 "W. E. Nickelsburg, 1 Enoch 1 : A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1-36 ... ."]


pp. 272-3 Old Bulgarian Book of H.nowk; <ibriy Seper Heykalowt

p. 272

"the Greek text was translated into Old Church Slavonic, becoming known as 2 Enoch. 


Furthermore ..., another Hebrew book was created, in which ... Rabbi Ishmael ...


in a trance visits the heavenly palaces.

{Said "trance" must definitely have been a dream; for, only in a dream (or else in a dreamlike variety of hypnagogic state) can anyone "visit" another world.}


'The Patriarch ["Enoch"] relates his own metamorphosis into the angel Met[.]at[.]ron, when his flesh was transformed into "fiery torches".' [Scholem 1974, p. 52]

p. 273

The original title of this treatise was Sefer Hekhalot, the Book of Palaces, and belongs to the genre of ... the description of the heavenly halls through which


the visionary adept

{more accurately read : "the dreaming sleeper"}


passes before he appears before the throne of divine glory. This particular book later became baptized by its modern editor as 3 Enoch."

Scholem 1974 = Gerschom Scholem : Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. NY : Schocken Bks.


{In order to experience dreaming in a particular standardized mode, so as to enter a chosen divine realm in the dream, one must enter the dream-state through a variety of so-called "wake-induced lucid dreaming" involving stabilization of the hypn-agogic state. (An ordinary waking-state trance will not in-and-of-itself suffice to accomplish any such entry.) This I have personally experienced, some decades ago.}


p. 273 identification of H.nowk and of >eliyah, according to Church-Fathers

"The figure of Enoch ... was intriguing ..., especially after he and Eliah were identified with the witnesses of the measuring the Temple mentioned in St. John's Revelations (11:3) ... ."

[fn. 13 "This identification was suggested by Hippolytus of Rome in the third century."]


p. 274 the 3 incarnations of H.nowk, according to <arabiy lore

[fn. 14 "See ... van Bladel {2009}."] "Enoch became even more intriguing when the speculation of the nin[e]th-century Arabic astrologer and scholar, Abu Ma>shar, reached Europe in the twelfth century. According to his theory, there were three Hermeses {read "Hermai"}.

One had lived before the Flood and he had been Enoch;

the second lived among the Chaldeans and he founded Babylon after the Flood.

{This is intended to be Akkadian god Nabu.}

The third also lived after the Flood and was

a famous physician and scientist among the Egyptians, also known as Hermes Trismegistus ... ."

{This is intended to be god DH.WTJ (transliterated in Hellenistic Aiguptian as "Thouth").}

Van Bladel 2009 = Kevin van Bladel : The Arabic Hermes : From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science. Oxford Univ Pr.


pp. 282-3 Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy and his book

p. 282

"unusual book published in 1872 under the title Enoch, the SecondMessenger of God ... by a mysterious author who called himself


"a dot in a circle," reminding one of the alchemical sign of sun/gold.

{This is the antient hieroglyph (for 'sun', though not for 'gold') in the language of TL-MRJ. The dot is praesumably repraesentative of the sun's tritium-activated nuclear-fusion-energized core, which is populated (in an immaterial plane-of-existence) by an immense population of divine entities, who sometimes communicate with mortals via spirit-mediumship.}


The author was Edward Vaughan Hyde Kenealy (1819-1890), one of the



{Spanish for 'royal' : a play on "gold" as a "royal metal"}



{a play-of-words on \centre\ (core), scil., of the sun}


characters of the Romantic era.  ... the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography summarizes ... : 'He carried the extravagance and unconventionality which had wrecked his legal career into his spiritual life, fabricating from ancient texts an extraordinary mystic religion of his own : he believed that he was the twelfth Messenger of God, part of a line that included Adam, ["Enoch",] Jesus Christ {Iesous Khristos} ... .'

Kenealy's second messenger was Enoch, but his publication ... is a dense, intertextual "general mythology," fusing a purfied Christianity with all sorts of Eastern influences --


becoming a distant relative of the contemporary Madame Blavatsky's theosophy.

{Kenealy's book was published some five years earlier than was Madame Blavatsky's earliest book, Isis Unveiled, published in New York in 1877. Could not Madame Blavatsky (who did not even come, to stay in the United States, from England, until after Kenealy's book had been published in England) have acquired at least some of her esoteric doctrines from Kenealy's book?}


Kenealy's syncretic and often paradoxical world picture ... most favored ... Zarathustra, he also had radical social views, and ... at the same time claiming that he had many highlyhonoured Jewish friends ... . ... Here he praises esotericism ... :


[quoted from Kenealy 1872, p. viii] What would the world be like without the Supernatural? 


What the East without its divine Buddhas;

{The Buddha-s are fully divine only in Vajra-yana theology (of Tibet, Mongolia, China, etc.).}


its Zaradusht bright as the Morning Star {Cf.} {How-be-it, this is not as directly true of Zara-thustra himself as of two goddesses described in Slavic mythology : "Zorya Utrennyaya, the Morning Star, opens the gates to the god's palace every morning for the sun-chariot's departure. At dusk, Zorya Vechernyaya—the Evening Star—closes the palace gates once more after its return." (W"Zorya")}

{The term \Thustra\ (in \Zara-Thustra\) is evidently a Zend form of Skt \Tus.ita\ (litterally 'satisfied'), commonly used (in Hina-yana litterature) as the name of the heaven whence the Buddha-s (\Budha\ meaning 'planet Mercury') descend into the material world for incarnation in a material body. \Thustra\ should be cognate with Strong's 2907 \t.uws\ 'to pounce (as a bird-of-prey)'.}

p. 283

His apocalyptic tone sometimes reaches the levels of ... admonishments :


[quoted from Kenealy 1872, p. xv] I know Europe, and I believe it to be impossible to overstate the amount of ... hypocrisy, and misery, it contains; ... and that our political system, which accumulates all the wealth in the coffers of the rich, while it makes the poor every day poorer, will one day end ... .


And he even attained postcolonial prescience :


[quoted from Kenealy 1872, p. xviii] I have read, a great deal about foreign peoples, and the result is this, that I find that they are almost always the worse for intercourse with Europeans, whether they {viz., the Europeans} go in the guise of merchants or missionaries. ... And I find with sorrow that petro-paulites {conventional mainline-type "Christians"} are, as rule, worse than the followers of Buddha, Brahm ...; while they hypocritical pretend that they are the best and purest of mankind."

W"Zorya" = WIKIPEDIA article "Zorya" 


{An instance of the pouncing by a bird-of-prey is where (CBM, p. 52) Quauhtli 'Eagle' is apparently seizing Feathered-Rainbow-serpent's rabbit-prey; so that where (CBM, p. 54, upper left) the guise of a lance-wielding rabbit-headed god is assumed, some praedator may be wearing a rabbit-headed garb. The action may have proceeded through the skeletal bat-winged god's piercing, with a javelin, the deer (CBM, p. 52, upper right); disclosure of a stag's mouth-interior via (CBM, p. 53, upper left) Xochitl the Blossom's Ghost Moth [white moth : "the males of the spp. humuli which are entirely white" ("GhMHHH")] (\<utt\ 'moth'). "Caterpillar fungus (Ophiocordyceps sinensis; Tibetan: yartsa gunbo) parasitizes ground-dwelling ghost moth larvae (Thitarodes spp.) ... almost entirely within snow leopard range areas ... Ghost moth larvae are grass root-boring caterpillars that have a life cycle of up to 5 years, most of that spent underground. Adult ghost moths only emerge to live 2–5 days" (Z:SL), therefore with a life-cycle similar to that of the cicada, Tithonos (*\Dhidhono-\) who "turned into a cidada" (GM @40.c) can refer to Dadhyan~c (*\Dhadhyanc\) the temporarily-horseheaded sage who teacheth to the As`vinau the Madhu Vidya 'honey lore' (R.c Veda 1:17:166 -- PE, s.v. "Dadhyan") [which "honey lore" likely must propound why the ghost-moth cannot eat of the flower's honey]. These 'horse-associated' As`vinau may be thematically compared with the horsehide-wearing silkworm-caterpillar goddess ("GHHSG") : for, alike unto ghostmoth-caterpillars, silkworms are similarly afflicted by ("FBFS") a species of caterpillar-parasitizing fungus.}

"GhMHHH" = "Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli humuli". 

Z:SL = Peter Zahler, in Snow Leopards, 2016. 

"GHHSG" = "The Girl with the Horse's Head or the Silkworm Goddess". 

"FBFS" = "Fruit Body Formation on Silkworm by Cordyceps militaris". 


pp. 283-5, 288 LeRoy Hooker and his novel

p. 283

"a novel by a novel by (1840-1906), titled Enoch the Philistine : A Traditional Romance of Philistia ..., published in 1898 ... . The main character in the novel is ... the son of ... tribal leader whose father, on his deathbed, gives him the Roll of Enoch, their forefather. Old Enoch appears to him in his sleep and brings him into the state of ascension on high.

p. 284

[quoted from Hooker 1898, p. 46] I saw a man standing in the door of my pavilion; and he was glorious in appearance, like unto the angels of God; for ... light ... shone from his raiment and from his countenance. He moved swiftly toward me, as one that toucheth not the earth with his feet; and when he was beside my bed ...

p. 285

he passed his hands up and down over my face, many times; and when he drew them away


my spirit followed them, and came out of my body. ... An instant my spirit lingered, hovering over the bed, and looked down in wonder upon my body that was prone {or was it supine? -- adult persons rarely sleep prone} thereon, as if in sleep. ...

{In the process of a mortal's achieving projection of the "aitheric body" (also known as the "aitheric double") out from the material body, which process will usually commence at the moment of awaking out of sleep, divine entities are often visibly praesent to assist this process.}

p. 288

[quoted from Hooker 1898, p. 48] I am Enoch thy forefather that was taken from among men without death. ... Then we descended toward the earth, and passed through the covering of my pavilion to the bed whereon my body was lying. And Enoch touched my body, and passed his hands over it as he did at the first, and my spirit returned into my body, but Enoch vanished out of my sight."


p. 289 Aleister Crowley

"it was not until his vision quest in the Algerian desert in 1909 that Crowley seriously started experimenting with magical evocations that led him back to John Dee's Enochian Magic".

[fn. 53 "See Asprem ... [2012], 85-97."]

Asprem 2012 = Egil Asprem : Arguing with Angels : Enochian Magic and Modern Occulture. Albany : State Univ of NY Pr.





Symbolique in Rene' Schwaller de Lubicz

Aaron Cheak



p. 296 Rene' Schwaller

"Rene' 'Aor' Schwaller de Lubicz (1887-1961) was an Alsatian artist, alchemist, Egyptologist, Neopythagorean, and philospher."


p. 296 consciousness

"Taken in its entirety, however, the esotericism of de Lubicz is nothing less than a science of consciousness. ... 'The Universe is nothing but consciousness', he remarks, 'and through its appearances presents nothing but an evolution of consciousness,

from its origin {what, consciousness's supposed origin from something outside of itself??} to its end {what, consciousness's supposed utter cessation??}, the end being a return to its cause {but how can there be (in any meaningful way) any such "return", if consciousness be without beginning and without ending??}."

{NOT QUITE! Ongoing content of consciousness can be altered in various ways; but, strictly speaking, the nature, or faculty, of consciousness itself hath neither absolute "beginning" (nor "origin"), nor absolute "end"; for, consciousness is not the result of any other cause, but is itself the cause of all of existence.}


p. 300 Aor

"Over five nights in the winter of 1926, 'from the height of a frozen, flame-red peak', Schwaller recived an apocalyptic revelation from

a metaphysical presence called 'Aor' ... . This revelation was published the following year as L'Appel du Feu (The Call of Fire). ... Aor is best understood as a tutelary intelligence or Socratic daimon with which Schwaller communed."

{\Aor\ (whose etymology is apparently *\asor\) is the Homeric word for 'sword'. It must surely be borrowed from Strong's 632 \>sar\ (with variant \>issar\) 'obligation, vow', possibly cognate with New English \swear\ from Old English \swerian\ 'to swear' (though this English phonetic form may be a pun on Skt \swara\ 'musical note', such musical notes are all being named in Skt for the vocal cries of animals, and thus associable with the intonement of chanting required of vow-professed koinobitic monastics), whence is derived English \sword\.}


{English \sword\ is directly cognate with Skt (in the Atharvan Veda) \swardhin\ 'good partisan', a compound of \su-\ 'good' (cognate with Hellenic \eu-\, from *\esu\, Nasili \es<u\ 'good', supposedly from a proto-Asianic *\e<su\) + Skt (in the Taittiriya Samhita) \ardhin\ 'forming a half', explicated in the Lat.yayana S`rauta-sutra as 'giving the (right-hand side) half'. "Rongo was god of the left side of man, as Rehua and Tu were god of the right side—A. H. M., i. App." (M-PCM, p. 424, s.v. "Rongo (myth.)") Tu's name is more fully (M-PCM, p. 540, s.v. "Tu (myth.)") \Tu-mata-uena\ 'stand face trembling'. The propre employment of this sword is in "rightly dividing the word of truth" (2nd Epistole Timotheos 2:15), wherein 'rightly dividing' is the translation of ("WhAPMRDWT") \ortho-tomeo\ (\ortho-\ cognate with Skt \ardha\ 'half' + \tome-\ cognate with English \tome\ 'section of a book'). The rightly-divider is (Epistole Hebraioi 4:12) "any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." The word here translated 'marrow', \muelos\ can also mean 'spinal cord'; if so, then the 'joints' mentioned could be the junctures of the ribs with the sternum : this distinction would contrast the descending (along the chest of the body) course from the ascending course in the circulation of the luminance-fluid in the "water-wheel" rotation of the Manikhaian-based Taoist yoga. Now, whereas the 'soul' \psukhe\ is evidenced by \psukhos\ 'chill' (such as is manifest in the interior of a quasar, which is a galaxy's centre of gravitational attraction, inducing the galaxy's orbital revolution), the 'spirit' \pneumat-\ (\pnein\ 'to breathe') is evidenced in an alternation of expansion and contraction (such as may be manifest to the exterior of a quasar, in the longitudinal quality of gravitational waves) which is effectual as a magneto-gravitic alternating-forcefield productive, in that galaxy's arms, of an electro-gravitic rotational motion perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the quasar (this system being the gravitational aequivalent to the generation of an electric current in a conductive coil wrapped around an empty cylindre wherethrough a magnet is moving); for the major line of magneto-gravitic longitudinal pulsation in a quasar would be along the axis of its mass's rotation.} [written 3 April 2019]

M-PCM = Edward Tregear : Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary. Wellington : Lyon & Blair, 1891. p. 424 -- p. 540 

2nd Epistole Timotheos 2:15 

"WhAPMRDWT" = "What Did the Apostle Paul Mean by "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth"?" 

Epistole Hebraioi 4:12 


pp. 306-7 Schwaller's metaphysics of genuine symbols {such "symbols" being, as in mediaeval European "metaphysics", almost entirely grammatical in their operation}

p. 306

"Schwaller defined the true symbol as the physical effect of a metaphysical cause. More than this, he defined the symbol as that which magically evokes ... the metaphysical principle that created it. ... This process of specification is in terms of a 'will' ... -- i.e., a specifier -- that acts upon an unspecified energy or milieu to create the resulting form. ...

p. 307

There are thus three aspects to the process : the specifying ... 'function', the unspecified 'substance', and the specified 'form' proper."

p. 306, fn. 32

"Schwaller de Lubicz, Temple de L'Homme, vol. 1, 86 : 'Every symbol, even one beyond interpretation, is in itself directly related to the thing that it expresses -- that is -- ... certainly through that which it evokes. ...'"


{This terminology is largely grammatical, involving distinctions among the grammatical parts-of-speech : the "symbol" is typically a substantive-noun; the "evocation" is via a verb; and the "specifier" is typicallly an adjective-noun. When the grammatical description may be slightly more elaborated, a substantival phrase, a verbal clause (with its adverbs), and an adjectival phrase may be employed.}


p. 307 interaction of grammatical active-voice verb (and/or a grammatical subject of a sentence) with grammatical passive-voice verb (and/or a direct-object of a verb)

"Physical existence itself, in all its permutations, thus results from the active aspect of the primordial polarity (its metaphysical function ...) acting upon its passive complement (... proto-physical ...). The result of this metaphysical action is 'specification into form'."


pp. 311-2 triads hypercosmic & encosmic

p. 311

"Following Paracelsus, the three primaries (tria prima, drei Ersten) were identified ... .

[fn. 44 "Paracelsians also employed the tria prima to represent the composition of the human microcosm : spirit ..., soul ... and body ... ."]


However, Schwaller's understanding of the tria prima ... is essentially consonant with the ... Egyptian (and later Pythagorean) cosmogonic theology. Here, the ... divine hypostases ... manifest as the extra- or hyper-cosmic forces that exist ...; they are the personifications of the ...

p. 312

creative faculties ... . ... Interestingly, the Egyptian conception is recapitulated in


the Neoplatonic metaphysics of Iamblichean theurgy, which distinguishes between hypercosmic and encosmic divinities ... ."

[fn. 45 "On the influence of theurgy ..., see especially Shaw, 'Neoplatonic Theurgy and Dionysius the Areopagite', Journal of Early Christian Studies 7.4 (1999):573-599".]


p. 314, fn. 52 colors of the metals

"Chemically, metal provides the cation; oxygen the anion. ... The seven planetary metals were often signified by their coloured salts, oxides, or other reactions : e.g.

lead is white (hydrocerussite);

iron, red (rust);

copper is blue/green (verdigris);

silver is black.

Gold remains pure (unreacting) but its tincture was identified with royal {more actually, imperial} purple ... ."


pp. 316-7 Oetinger & Hegel as phainomenologers

p. 316

"the term phaenomenologia (in German Pha:nomenologie), while often attributed to Kant, is not original to him. Kant appears to have gotten the term from the Swiss physicist, astronomer and mathematician, Johann Heinrich Lambert

p. 317

(1728-1777), who was a correspondent of Kant's. Interestingly ..., however, the earliest known evidence for the term phenomenology derives neither from Kant nor Lambert, but from the Swabian theosopher, Friedrich Christoph Oetinger (1702-1782). Oetinger's theosophy ... viewed visible nature as a theophany (divine appearance) and phenomenology as a procedure for displaying the ' divine system of relations'. It is indeed from this ... purview -- the visible cosmos as theophany -- that the phenomenology of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) would emerge :


a figure whose indebtedness of the Hermetic tradition has been well documented."

[fn. 61 "Magee, Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition(Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2001; revised ed., 2008)."]


p. 320 [a fallacious assertion by Schwaller]

"from the circuit-formula, E=mc^2, ... it is necessary that Energy becomes Mass." 

{This E=mc^2 is intended merely to describe the maximum quantity of acceleration-potential (i.e., energy) potentially storable within a given mass. Actually, neither can energy be converted into mass, nor can mass be converted into energy.}


pp. 320-1 metaphysical systems influencing Leibnitz

p. 320

As "for ... Leibnitz's (1646-1716) understanding of the visible cosmos as coagulum spiritus ('coagulation of spirit'); interestingly ..., Leibnitz's conception itself was formed by his studies of Chinese theories, especially the Neoconfucian thought of Zhang Zai (1020-1077) in which qi (= Greek pneuma, Latin spiritus, Sanskrit prana {pran.a}, Hebrew ru[w]ah[.]) ... condenses itself into material form;

[p. 320, fn. 73 "Leon Marvell, Transfigured Light : Philosophy, Science, and the Hermtic Imaginary, 257-258; Joseph Needham et al., Science and Civilisation in China, vol. 2, 292, 499-500, 558."]


Leibnitz was also influenced by Lurianic ... {} -- the divine

[p. 321, fn. "Alison Coudert, Leibniz ... (Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1995), 95-96."]

p. 321

cosmogonic contraction ... ."


p. 322, fn. 78 ever-praesent origination

"Jean Gebser, The Ever-Present Origin, xxvii : 'Origin is ever-present. It is not a beginning ... . And the present ... is ever-originating, an achievement of ... continuous renewal. Anyone able ... to realize and effect the reality of origin ... in its entirety, supersedes 'beginning' and 'end' and the mere here and now' ... ."


p. 327 attainment of a metallic body {by praeternatural transfiguration of one's dream-body

in the divine dream-world}

"rasayana {\rasa-ayana\ 'flavor-travel'} siddha {'successful'} traditions in Medi[a]eval India {read "Bharata} ... in which the transmutation of the mortal human body {i.e., waking-state material body} into an immortal divine body {i.e., dreaming-state subtle body} was explicitly homologised {on Hellenistic models as practiced by Aiguptian dream-alchemists} with metallurgical transmutations ... ."

{To view a divine entity whose body is transfigured into several successive living metals, is described for a dream witnessed by Zosimos while his sleeping material body reposed in Aiguptos; and, furthermore, some Taoist sleep-adepts can, in their dreams, even cause their own dream-body to become transfigured into several successive living metals.}


p. 327 subsuming the metallic body into a resurrection-body

"Jaldaki ... shows alchemy as an ars hieratica ... that was seen to exist between the metallic process and the creation of a resurrection body."

{The so-called "resurrection body" is that of a vidya-dhara (\weikza\ in Burmese) who hath returned post-mortem as a tangible revenant.}



Peter J. Forshaw (ed.) : Lux in Tenebris : the Visual and the Symbolic in Western Esotericism. ARIES BOOK SERIES : TEXTS & STUDIES IN WESTERN ESOTERICISM, Vol. 23. Brill, Leiden, 2017.