Regular geometric solids of cakra-s in yoga


description of cakra

regular geometric solid kaya (‘subtle body’)


square within 4 petals


aitheric net (conjoined squares) of aitheric body


8 petals within 6 petals


ASTeRisk (Sumerian dingir) form of conjoined triangles, ASTRal body

Man.i-pura (‘Pearl City’)

triangle within 10 petals

tetrahedron [cf. tetractys of 10]

mental body


crossed triangles within 12 petals



5-headed goddess; within 16 petals

dodecahedron (of pentagons)

N.B. Viewed from appropriate directions, cube can appear to be a square and a tetrahedron and appear to be a triangle. When laid out flat, 4 squares (cf. 4 petals) can conjoin to form a larger square; 6 triangles (cf. 6 petals) can conjoin to form a hexagon. Opposite sides (triangles) of an icosahedron point in opposite direction (cross one another) : hence the expression “cross my heart” (Anahata is at the heart).


regular geometric solid

one’s mineral body in one’s after-death existence (according to Taoist alchemy)



fool’s gold (its crystalline structure is cubic)

6 petals

quartz (6-sided crystal)

Man.i-pura (‘Pearl City’)

pearl [and also mother-of-pearl]



{“stone” and “iron” are regarded by astrologers as distinct elements (Pat.hamulamuli : the Origin of the World in the Lan Na Tradition. Chiang Mai, 1991. p. 211, fn. 3); as such, “iron” (as iron pyrite, i.e., fool’s gold) would repraesent one’s after-death body on the plane-of-existence just above the material plane (which would be repraesented by the element “stone”.}

{Another instance of a pearly heaven (as recounted by a woman under soul-regression hypnosis) : "From there, the vortex, I arrive at ... the pearl place ... . ... I see the pearl place as if from a distance; it is a sphere made up of all our spirits joined together. In the pearl place, even though we have our individual spirits, we are equally joined as part of the shining sphere." (Michael Newton (ed.) : Memories of the Afterlife. LLewellyn Publ, Woodbury (MN), 2009. p. 128)}



INDRa’s elephant

YiTRaN (Strong’s 3506) ‘excellency’ (3504)


MAHeR-s^^-baz (Strong’s 4122)


ram substituted for (‘Laughter’)




S`I>yO^n (= mt. H.ermo^n) (Strong’s 7865) ‘excellency’ (7863)

{The <ibri aequivalence of # 1 & # 5 in the meaning ‘excellency’, would correspond to the Astika aequivalence of # 1 & # 5 in both having 5-headed gods (Brahma & Sada-s`iva).}

{Another such aequivalence of # 1 with # 5 could involve the meaning ‘peace’ : Indra’s elephant Airavant was son of goddess Iravati (a particular ascent of goddess Vi-raj, according to the Atharvan Veda), and mt. H.ermo^n was the site of the “Sermon on the Mount”, were “peacemakers” were declared “the children of God”.}

within 6-petalled waterlily : Makara of Varun.a, holder of lasso

lasso (snare) used by Maui-TIKITIKI to catch the sun

Mongolian god /TInGrI/ = Sumerian /dingir/ ‘god’

Sumerian /dingir/, written as asterisk (6-pointed)

to Varun.a is offered coconuts : cf. the coconut growing from the planted head of eel-god Tuna-roa, paramour of Hina-uri, the sister of Maui. ‘Eel’ is TIKI-tol in the Mortlocks (M, p. 141).

M = Elsdon Best : The Maori. Wellington, 1924.


[written Aug 28, 2012 (for the <arabi connection)]

The 12 petals of Anahata may allude to the 12 tribes of Yis^ma<>el. The black antelope of Anahata may allude to "the hour has come near and the moon had split, from a gazelle that hunted my heart and ran away" according to >al-Qays ( Here, "heart" is the location of Anahata. In the po:em, "ran away" could allude to to Hagar's having been abandoned by the man who made love to her. Also, "the moon had split" could allude to "the moon under her feet" (Apokalupsis of Ioannes 12:1). In Lappish mythology, the elk's head in the moon is paralleled by the Etruscan myth (in Aradia, the gospel of the witches) stating that the man-in-the-moon was tossed thither by the beating of a heart in the interior of the earth.
